Renewal paperwork for all members has now been issued to branches which left the Head Office on 26th of October. Many branches will have already reached out to confirm arrangements with members, while others may be in touch soon. If you don’t hear, please reach out to them!

Your paperwork for 2023/24 will contain your renewal letter and a 2023/24 sticker (or new card for members who joined last year) for the back of your membership card, plus a guidance for the branch to cast their members votes for conference motions. Your branch will now ask all members when renewing for their details on provide dates for their Branch Meeting to discuss the motions and vote on conference proposals. This will then be sent to Head Office to provide the follow-up motions for branches.

Being a member of Legion Scotland helps support the work that we do with the veterans’ community in Scotland. We don’t know what the winter months may hold for everyone – and the pandemic saw our membership reduce by 16% in previous years. So we really need your support!




One way to help your branch and ensure your membership is renewed and up to date is to register for direct debit. There is still time to set this up for the 2023/24 membership year, so ask your branch for a form, download from here or get in touch with head office on 0131 550 1548.

Direct debits are set up on the 1st and 15th of each month and can be applied to this membership year at any time, so don’t worry that you’ve missed the boat – get in touch now!



All members who are eligible can opt in to giving Gift Aid using their membership form or renewal paperwork and we still have thousands of members not signed up. To sign up to Gift Aid all you need to do is complete the declaration and send it to Head Office, we do the rest and there is no cost to the member personally. It is simple and easy and only needs to be completed once. 

Completion of the Gift Aid Declaration allows us to claim 25p for every £1 back from HMRC, that is £3.75 per member on the £15 capitation fee. You can sign up online here


 Thank you for your membership through the last 12 months. Please know that your membership makes a vital difference to us.

See, talk to your local branch, or call the membership department on 0131 550 1586.