Constitution & Voting

Motions/Proposals/Nominations for consideration each year should be submitted to Head Office for 26th February.

Guidance on the voting process - Download

Legion Scotland Constitution, current (amended May 2022) - Download

Legion Scotland Draft Constitution (under consultation 2022/2023) - Download

Conference Pro Forma for Branch Delegates - Download

Branch Admin & Membership Documents

LA1 form Branch Information 23/24 - Download

Branch Licence Agreement - Download

Membership/Joining leaflet (printer friendly) - Download

Recognition of Service

Branch Certificate - Download

Area Certificate - Download

National Certificate for Meritorious Service Application Form - Download

Honours Process Guidelines - Download

Honours Citation Form - Download


Forecast of Events - Download

Best Kept Memorial Competition 2024 Entry Form - Download

Best Kept Memorial Competition 2024 Rules - Download

Guide to the Imperial War Memorials Register - Download

Volunteer Registration Form - Download

Ceremonial Handbook - Download

Policies & Procedures

Social Media Policy - Download

Data Protection Guidance for RBLS Branches, Club and Areas - Download

RBLS Privacy Policy - Download

RBLS Brand Guidelines (updated 2023) - Download

Cyber Resilience Guide - Download

Help for Using Zoom for virtual Meetings - Download