Latest Magazine Gearing up for the 2023 Scottish Poppy Appeal A few months from now, people will be gathering at their local war memorials to remember the lives of people who made huge sacrifices in service of their country. Between now and then, the Scottish Poppy Appeal will be raising money that funds vital support for service families, veterans and those currently serving. For the first time ever, the poppies will be entirely plastic-free. Writing for Legion Scotland Today magazine, which will be published next month, Poppyscotland’s Head of Fundraising Gordon Michie said, “This year, we have made the biggest and most significant change to our poppy: a plastic-free poppy that forms part of our carbon reduction commitment. “There is no change to the poppy’s meaning and symbolism, [but] we have taken a small step to help combat climate change. “As ever, can I thank all of you who give your time and talent to supporting the Poppy Appeal and for living by our Legionnaire motto of ‘Service not Self’.” Around 10,000 volunteers support the Poppy Appeal in Scotland each year, with three million poppies distributed across the country. Manage Cookie Preferences