Latest Magazine How to get involved in this year’s Scottish Poppy Appeal This year’s campaign once again includes the Light Up Red initiative, in which landmarks are lit up in red lights to show their support for the fundraiser. Hundreds of locations, big and small, are involved in the 2023 Light Up Red event – and they will stay lit up until 12 November. You can find your nearest Light Up Red site here. For the first time ever, there will be entirely plastic free poppies available, on a phased-in approach, these poppies will replace the previous plastic poppies across Scotland reducing the impact on our environment. As Poppyscotland’s Head of Fundraising Gordon Michie wrote in Legion Scotland Today magazine, “There is no change to the poppy’s meaning and symbolism, [but] we have taken a small step to help combat climate change.” Poppyscotland is also hosting a virtual Field of Remembrance, where you can leave a message to remember those who gave their lives in service, as well as read messages left by others. Visit the field here. Your branch may also have organised some fundraising activities. Gordon added, “As ever, can I thank all of you who give your time and talent to supporting the Poppy Appeal and for living by our Legionnaire motto of ‘Service not Self’.” Around 10,000 volunteers support the Poppy Appeal in Scotland each year, with three million poppies distributed across the country. Manage Cookie Preferences