With winter now here, Legion Scotland continues to stay on-hand to provide support and advice to our members and branches. However, some of our opening hours will change, and we want to make sure you know who to contact should you need us over the festive period. 

News and updates from across the organisation 

We will continue to keep members informed through the monthly bulletin, as well as news items on the Legion Scotland website and social media pages. We will send out an end-of-year bulletin next month, looking back over the events of 2022. 

Regular updates can also be found on the local branch Facebook pages. 

Office closures 

The Legion Scotland Head Office will be closed from 19 December 2022 until 2 January 2023. If, during this period, you should need immediate assistance through our Veterans Community Support Service (VCSS), we will still be here to help. 

Throughout the office closure, you can contact us on 0131 550 1560 for urgent assistance from the VCSS. You can also email [email protected]. Both the email and phone will be monitored throughout the festive period. 

Other enquiries will be responded to once the office has reopened in the new year. 

Contacting Legion Scotland 

You can find the full contact details for our Head Office and Area Secretary team here. Should you have any general enquiries either before or after the office closure, you can call us on 0131 322 1076.