After an early start, the branch set off for the breakfast club at the Military Museum Scotland in Kirknewton, just outside Edinburgh. This gave everyone a chance to meet and mingle with other branches and associations, and after a hearty breakfast the members had a wander around the museum. 

Many memories and stories were discussed – some members were surprised to see the working uniforms they wore are now classed as museum pieces – and the gunners among the group had a great time with the big guns and artillery-related items. 

After a small break, the branch boarded the bus again and made their way to Edinburgh Old Town to explore the city. Time was found for a visit to Edinburgh Castle – once again, the gunners gravitated to the big guns – and member Billy Bradly enjoyed remembering his layers drills, helped by his counterpart from air defence, Gary Dolan.  

Members also visited the grave of Ensign Ewart – an Ayrshire man who famously snatched an eagle from the French during the Battle of Waterloo – and visited the historic Mons Meg cannon. 

The tired members then made their way home back to Kilmarnock after a fun-packed day for a few refreshments at the branch meeting place. All members had a great time and were still discussing this visit weeks later. 

The branch would like to thank Secretary Gary Dolan who arranged this day out and the Council of Voluntary Organisations East Ayrshire (CVOEA) who made it possible.