Latest Magazine Legion Scotland’s Annual Conference 26th May 2023 We are delighted to report that this year’s Conference saw the highest level of membership engagement since the introduction of the One Member One Rule policy. This followed the decisions made at the Open Forum in 2022, where it was agreed to remove both the external firm responsible for managing the voting process, and the need for members to pre-register to vote by March. Our thanks to all the branches for adopting the new process and engaging with their members. A fantastic 77 delegates from branches across Scotland attended the two-day event, which provided an excellent opportunity for all to catch-up with old friends and foster comradeship. There were updates from the National President, National Chair, CEO, Strategic Transformation Committee and Armed Forces representatives. Poppyscotland introduced the new plastic-free poppy which was launched for this year’s Poppy Appeal. The central focus of the 2023 Conference was on support and training. The Head Office team gave a series of informative workshops and presentations on membership, accounts, community support services, events and risk management. The Clubs Workshop on Saturday was well attended and gave representatives the chance to ask more about FCA registration and the Club Model Rule Book. The Meritorious Award was presented to Gary Mutch from the Fraserburgh branch. Results We are pleased to confirm that the incumbent National Chair, Martyn Hawthorn MBE, was approved to continue in post for a further 12 months, and Keenon Hawkins (AB&K) was elected to the role of National Vice Chair. Results of the proposals for 2023 were also announced and both were carried by a clear majority. Proposal 1, submitted by the National Board of Trustees, called for a period of consultation not exceeding nine months. on the most recent draft of the new constitution to gather final comments before its adoption at the 2024 Conference. Votes cast = 1,249 Votes for = 1,126 Votes against = 25 Abstentions = 98 Spoilt ballot = 0 2/3 majority = 833 – proposal carried Proposal 2, submitted by the Highlands and Islands area, asked for Legion Scotland to take urgent action to review its vision to make it fit for the future and relevant today. Votes cast = 1,244 Votes for = 1,099 Votes against = 42 Abstentions = 103 Spoilt ballot = 0 2/3 majority = 830 – proposal carried Looking ahead, we plan to follow up with branch committees to offer online training through the rest of the year. We’re also looking into Area Roadshows for Spring 2024 so the Head Office team can travel around the country to update branches on training and support. More information will be shared in due course from the areas. Our thanks to all who attended and made it a successful Conference once again. Planning is already underway for the next conference on 17-18 May 2024, when we hope to see even more delegates return to participate in the programme. The location, which will not be Perth, will be confirmed shortly. Manage Cookie Preferences