At 1100 on the 18th of June 2021, Legion Scotland Branches all over Scotland came together in a show of unity to layover 100 RBLS100 Wreaths at their local war memorials to mark the 100th Anniversary of the formation of Legion Scotland.

We put together a small video showing the great work our branches put together available here

We will continue to add photos and videos to other branches as the celebrations continue!

Thank you to everyone that participated.

We would also like to congratulate our Kilmarnock Branch on raising £1175 for their Area to donate to PoppyScotland after all their hard work.

If you haven't been able to purchase a wreath for the 18th of June but would still like to order one for use this year, you can order from the Lady Haig Poppy Factory online alternatively you can call them on 0131 550 1573 or email [email protected] Just make sure and ask for the RBLS100 Wreath when ordering.