Two branch members have completed a marathon effort to mark all the known graves of servicemen who died in the two world wars, and who are buried on the Southern isles, or the Uists. The two members travelled to all the cemeteries from Berneray to Eriskay and placed Poppy Scotland crosses on each gravestone.  

The graves belong to those who are named and those who have not been identified, covering members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Merchant Navy. 

For future reference, each grave has been identified by the What3words coordinates that will allow others to locate them in the future. The What3words system gives every location in the world a unique tag, formed of three words. By searching the right words, you can find the correct location. 

The Poppy Scotland crosses will ensure families know that Legion Scotland’s Uist branch has not forgotten their loved ones.



As part of the Remembrance commemorations in Beauly and District, around 100 people gathered in memory of all the animals killed in conflict. In addition to the two-legged attendees, Clover the husky, donning her purple poppy, was also present and correct. 

The purple poppy is an emblem for animals who have been victims of war, including horses, dogs and pigeons.

Coldstream branch


Coldstream marked Remembrance by building on a Platinum Jubilee competition held earlier this year. In that first project, more than 150 children submitted designs for Jubilee-themed flags, and each pupil received a medal for taking part.

For Remembrance, young people in years P5-P7 were asked to write a poem or a story about what Remembrance meant to them. There were over 30 entries, and the winners were presented with their prizes at a school assembly.

Pupils in P7 also attended a two-minute silence at 11am on 11 November with Coldstream branch members. This year’s initiatives are the first between the branch and the school for some years, but it is hoped they will continue next year.

Below are the two winning entries.



The soldier waits in the trenches. Fierce, ready to fight. There were millions of families losing their loved ones. They were fighting, shooting and bombing.

Some soldiers are very angry. The trenches all along the land. The trenches are 7-10 metres deep.

Christmas Eve in 1914. All the soldiers were in the trenches, then they started to sing Christmas songs. In the morning one of the soldiers stood up with his hands in the air and another soldier stood up with his hands in the air as well.

They all became friends. They were playing football, scoring goals, and they were all going back to the trenches. Two of the soldiers gave each other a cookie box, they were very happy then.

Soldiers are made to fight but deep down they just want to be friends.

To me Remembrance means seeing displays of poppies.



We remember the war and those who died in its wake
They worked hard to let you have the things you take
We all wish wars just didn’t start
But some people aren’t truthful and kind at heart

Societies crumbled and families fled
All because Germany let power get to their head
The battles you fought, tough and scary
But you were brave when the situations got hairy

The poppy field is now a sea of bodies
But your work is far better than shoddy
We all remember and thank you for your work
Lest we forget