The majestic landmark, which sits high above the harbour on the Black Hill and is a short walk from Dunnottar Castle, will be the focus for a rededication ceremony on Saturday 20 May 2023. 

The branch, along with a small group of local volunteers, are planning an event that will reflect the 1923 ceremony, which was attended and unveiled by The Right Honourable Viscountess Cowdray 100 years ago. 

The afternoon event begins with a procession from Stonehaven Market Square to the Black Hill and will include military organisations, pipe bands, civic representatives, ex-service men and women, community groups and members of the public. 

A reading of the poem ‘The Memorial’ – specially composed by Professor John G McKendrick of Stonehaven for the unveiling in 1923 – will feature in the rededication ceremony along with the laying of a poppy wreath. 

The event is an opportunity for the local community to get involved. The organisers are particularly keen to hear from anyone with connections to those whose names appear on the memorial roll of honour. 

Pam Gerrard, Legion Scotland Stonehaven branch treasurer and event co-ordinator said, “The Stonehaven War Memorial has reverently stood guard over the town for 100 years. Exposed to the elements, it still stands strong and has been a constant during times of unprecedented change. On Remembrance Sunday we gather at the steps of the memorial to remember the fallen and to pay our respects. Our rededication ceremony in May will bring people together to reflect and to give thanks. 

“Stonehaven’s war memorial has a fascinating and rich history. If anyone has old photographs, press cuttings, poems, notes about the memorial along with any family stories they are willing to share, please do get in touch.” 

The event organisers welcome interest from anyone wishing to join the procession on Saturday 20 May. Local businesses and individuals are also invited to support the occasion – for information on the opportunities available, contact Pam Gerrard at [email protected]. Updates can be found on Facebook by searching for the Stonehaven War Memorial Rededication page.